Sales Representative

TJ O’ Mahony, Ardee, Irish Sreet, Ardee, Co. Louth, A92 YK07, part of HPC Sales Ltd., Irelands’ leading Builder’s Providers and Home Improvement/DIY Store, is looking fora full-time, Permanent Sales Representative to join our Team.Job Purpose: Sales RepresentativeDuties and Responsibilities:·       Considerable experience of sales and a wide knowledge of building and home improvement products.·       Deal directly with customers, preparing quotations, liaising with customers on order delivery and payments.·       Answer any questions about the products.·       Dealing with suppliers, placing orders and ensuring that orders are received and processed appropriately within the Goods Inwards system.·       Identify prospective customers.·       Collaborate with colleagues and the Branch Manager.·       Achieve sales targets.·       Committed to providing top quality customer service.Skills and Requirements:·       Demonstrate excellent communication.·       Customer-facing sales experience within the Builder Provider/Merchant sector.·       Excellent organisational and interpersonal skills.·       Ability to work in a busy target driven sales environment.·       Highly motivated and target driven with a proven track record in sales.·       Team player.·       Ability to work on own initiative.·       Relevant building materials knowledge an advantage. Benefits:                                                          ·       Bonus   ·       Employee discount                      Job Type: PermanentHours: 39 hours per week (Monday - Friday) HPC Sales Ltd. is an equal opportunities employer.

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