Sales & Marketing Manager

We are currently recruiting for an experienced Conference, Banqueting & Sales Manager to join our team at 4-star Clanree Hotel in Letterkenny.Reporting to The General manager the ideal candidate will be responsible for Hotel sales including the Conference and Banqueting function for Clanree Hotel. TThis role is ideal for a self motivated driven candidate with a background in the Conference and Banqueting industry.Why join our team.Along with this exciting position we offer;· Competitive Salary· Complimentary Car Parking· Meals while on duty· Employee Hotel Discounts· Free Leisure centre accessKey Job Aims· The Sales & Marketing Manager is responsible for maximizing Hotel revenue and profitability from all market segments.· Managing all sales operations for the company· Create a working environment that includes development of colleagues.· Implement a sales orientated culture.· Vision of business trends.· Excellent customer service and develop strong relationships with our customers.· Ensure emphasis on achieving revenue and up selling.· All duties are carried out in line with the Hotels guidelines and business plan.· Represent Clanree Hotel at conferences and events.· Maximize business opportunities.The ideal Candidate· Have a minimum of 2 years’ experience in a Hotel Sales & Marketing role, experience also in Conference and Banqueting would be an advantage.· Be sales focused, confident and results driven· Have excellent Planning communication and organizational skills· Excellent knowledge of all aspects of digital marketing· Proven record of meeting deadlines and strong attention to detail.· A genuine interest in the Hospitality industry

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