Sales Graduate

Are you interested in a career in Sales following your education and qualification?As a recent graduate you will be allocated a workplace mentor during your first year of employment to coach, mentor and guide you for the duration.Upon successful completion of the programme you will have gained a range of skills, knowledge and competencies necessary to embark on a career as a sales specialist in the Motor Industry.The successful candidate will be working in a busy showroom with a team of dedicated sales professionals.At Monasterevin Motors, we look for well-rounded, flexible individuals, who work well as part of a team and are willing to learn the “Toyota Way”.The Toyota Principles are#1.Customer First, #2. Respect for all people,#3.Continuous improvement using Kaizen and Lean 6 Sigma methodologies.  We are looking for people who are Ambitious, Committed and AdaptableIt is essential to have the ability to: Communicate effectivelyShow great attention to detailWork as part of a teamShow a positive attitudeRecognise the need for good customer relationsDemonstrate good work practices including time keeping, tidiness, responsibility, quality awareness and health and safety awareness. 

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