Sales Executive - Renault

Sales Executive - H&H Motors Here at H&H Motors, we have exciting opportunities for motived, ambitious sales executives to Join our team. Become a member of a highly professional sales team within a very successful well-established group in the motor industry. Are you interested in working in a position where your earning potential is uncapped? Do you want to earn above the average salary? Get to work with Premium brands. Drive a company car. Expect to get excellent training to help with your progression. Endless progression opportunities for top performers. Educational opportunities Excellent work life balance working hours. 20 days Annual leave + Bank Holidays. Positive, Progressive & encouraging working environment.  These are just some of the benefits of this position! Job Specification: Sales Function: ·       To prepare and use a planned sales presentation.·        To develop and use Customer Follow-up and Prospecting systems.·        contribute to achievement of maximum customer retention.·        Develop and use a planned daily, weekly, and monthly sales call programme.·        Develop and maintain a full knowledge of all products, accessories & prices. ·        Handle all customer queries and complaints and ensure they are resolved.·        To ensure accurate sales forecasts where possible.·        Maintain adequate records of all sales activities and personal expensed. ·        Ensure the completion of all sale and financial paperwork accurately in a timely manner.·        Carry out accurate Appraisals of all vehicles presented for part exchange. ·        Agree valuations with the Sales Manager and complete satisfactory negotiations.·        Carryout HPI check prior to delivery.·        Maintain all demonstrators supplied for personal use in clean and tidy condition ·        Check vehicles for cleanliness etc. prior to each vehicle delivery.·        Deliver sold vehicles.     Trade In Vehicles: ·        Assess trade in vehicles.·        Sell trade vehicles and agree trade prices (this includes relevant documentation preparation, etc.)·        Order cosmetic parts for trade in vehicle (hub caps, etc.) Showroom Documentation and Information Updates: ·        Keep Reception informed of updates to the Used Car Sales Lists,·        Update the vehicles on the Website.·        Complete used vehicle specifications and assessments.·        Create the window sheets for all used vehicles (process, rear window specs, etc.)  Requirements: ·        Full Driving License·        Legal right to work in Ireland.·        Previous sales experience desirable·        Third Level Business degree an advantage, not essential.·        Highly motivated·        Target Driven·        Ability to work as part of a team.·        Self-initiative·        Excellent attitude with customer first focus About H&H Motors: H&H Motors is the busiest and best stocked dealer in Waterford City and County. H&H Motors has been selling Renault cars and vans since 1984. In this time, we have established a huge base of satisfied customers who come back time and time again to exchange their cars for the latest models.The full Renault range of cars, including Hybrid, Electric and Commercial Vehicles, are displayed in a large state-of-the-art showroom on the Cork Road Waterford, with an aftersales and maintenance facility. Central to our philosophy is ensuring quality service for every customer. If you would like to be part of this incredible success, please apply with your CV today! 

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