We are currently recruiting for a PART TIME Sales Assistant for our store in City Centre, Galway.Working in an exciting fast paced juice bar, no two days are the same. Selling a positive good for you product you are constantly dealing with happy and thankful customers.We are looking for a new staff member with an excellent attitude , a team player who can also work on their own initiative, someone who can meet the highest standards and can work with a smile on their face!Candidates must be available for work Monday to Sunday.Benefits :Flexible HoursBonusesAwardsExtra HolidaysTraining & DevelopmentFree staff drinksRequirements :Excellent customer serviceAbility to work in fast pace environmentTeam WorkFollowing instructionsWorking under pressureAbility to work on own initiativeFully flexibleFull training will be provided but previous experience in catering / restaurant / take away sector would be an advantage.Skills:Hygiene standards Food Preparation Stock Rotation Cashiering Teamwork Customer Service Flexibility

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