Sales Assistant

JOB PURPOSE: To assist and serve customers with the purchase of retail products. To care for the stock, including its administration, storage, presentation and security.Applicants must be available to work weekdays and some weekendsKEY RESPONSIBILITIES:·      Serve customers and deal with them promptly and politely, answering any queries that they may have·      Follow guidance from the Department Supervisor·      Adhere to till procedures·      Merchandise stock correctly·      Replenish stock on display from stock room·      Receive, check and stock deliveries·      Ensure cleanliness of store fixtures and fittings when required·      Maintain a high level of security for both cash and stock·      Stock room maintained correctly·      Complete stock counts and audits, as necessary·      Compile orders from suppliers, as required·      Observe all Health & Safety procedures and protocolsThis list of responsibilities is not exhaustive and the employee may be required to perform duties outside of this brief as required and at the discretion of management.PERSON SPECIFICATIONESSENTIAL ATTRIBUTES:Applicants must be available primarily weekdays·    Commitment to providing the highest level of customer service·      Excellent communication skills·      Self motivated·      Able to work on own initiative·      Numerate·      Confident and polite manner·      Strong team player·      Neat and presentable at all times·      Flexible and adaptableDESIRABLE ATTRIBUTES:·      Previous experience of retailing·      Previous experience of working tills·      Previous work experience of a service oriented nature.

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