Sales and Marketing Manager

We currently have a vacancy for a:Sales and Marketing Manager  At Kettyle Irish Foods we compliment the vast scale and capabilities of the ABP Food Group with our unique artisanal approach to award- winning meat. We are based in Lisnaskea, County Fermanagh, where our butchers carefully select and craft the best cuts to achieve the optimum product.  Over the last decade our business has grown, and we have ambitious plans for our award-winning dry aged products to reach even more customers.   Job Role: The Sales and Marketing Manager will continue to grow of our brand by building relationships and increasing sales by attracting new customers. They will also act as the primary relationship manager for our existing customers, ensuring they receive the first-class service they have come to expect from Kettyle Irish Foods. ·      Building relationships and taking part in the overall growth of the business by growing sales for the benefit of the Company ·      Developing business through profitable trading opportunities and being an integral part in the plans to achieve considerable growth and profit.·      Utilise & be aware of all the latest market data in our sector. Identify and drive new opportunities from this to be delivered by the wider team. ·      Attending sales & client meetings, and carrying out sales presentations as required·      Preparation and presentation of reports·      Maintaining an awareness of company products & processes as well as an awareness of product trends across the wider industry·      Supporting and developing sales team·      Planning and writing a digital marketing strategy and annual/quarterly marketing plan (to be agreed with Director).·      Sourcing interesting relevant and engaging subject matter·      Writing, scheduling and posting blogs, newsletters and articles on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and company website/newsletter·      Sourcing and creating suitable images·      Using a range of video platforms, scheduling tools and CRMs·      Targeting relevant demographic of people·      Researching target prospects·      Writing content and posting it on- line: on social media, on our website, through company newsletters and anywhere else considered appropriate.·      Setting up an email marketing campaign to go out to prospects, past and existing clients·      Exploit and optimise our technology platforms and drive two-way communication·      Create rich, clear, and concise communication and engaging content to inspire and inform our client base·      Advise on emerging issues and potential opportunities     Requirements·      Educated to at least A Level or equivalent, with a relevant third level qualification being an advantage.·      A demonstrable track record of relevant skills and experience, including change communications, content creation, copywriting and communication across both digital and traditional channels.·      Direct experience of trading FMCG to multiple retailers with a clear understanding of UK and Ireland and European grocery markets, retailer profiles and proposition.·      Previous experience within a food manufacturing environment where you have worked and built a strong understanding of this type of business.·      Excellent presentation and communication skills, with the ability to be at ease developing effective working relationships·      Experience in communicating with both internal and external business stakeholders to complete projects and business briefs·      Good levels of commercial and business acumen and considered decision-making·      Digital/online marketing experience·      Website management experience·      Experience working with the Adobe Creative Suite (InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop)·      Experience managing social media platforms·      Able to demonstrate effective, well written and engaging content writing on B2B, customer & staff engagement subject·      Experience generating dynamic content for websites, marketing brochures and videos, social media platforms, etc.·      Experience creating and manipulating marketing collateral using Adobe Creative Suite programs.·      Resourceful and resilient with great research skills.Access to transport as travel to customer and other company sites is an essential part of the role.  Hours of work are Monday to Friday 08:00am to 4:30pm, however a reasonable level of flexibility is required.Application forms are available from the HR department or send a copy of your CV by email to Closing date for receipt of completed applications is 5pm on Monday 3rd March 2025. 

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