Sales and Marketing Manager

Midleton Park Hotel. part of Talbot Collection, are currently recruiting for an experienced Sales & Marketing Manager to join our team. The Sales & Marketing Manager will report to the General Manager and the Group Commercial Manager. The successful candidate will be focused on retaining and maintaining existing business but will also have the drive and ability to attract and develop new business opportunities. This candidate will work with the General Manager to oversee the development and implementation of the sales & marketing strategy. Main Duties:Support the General Manager in achieving budgeted sales;Confidently conduct face-to-face sales calls and present a tailored presentation to potential clients by effectively using a range of presentation skills;Confidently conduct telesales with current and future clients;Identify and analyse competition, both locally and regionally;Carry out market research and analyse business statistics both from portfolio and the booking engine, and give recommendations to increase revenue based on this information;Review, monitor and improve the hotel's online presence on official website and all third-party websites, reviewing content and images. Liaise with the website providers of the hotel to ensure optimisation of our online position;Oversee brochure, print material production and stock levels. To maintain photography and imagery for the hotel and oversee photography as and when required;Ensure E-marketing is carried out and creative e-zines are produced and distributed to the leisure and corporate market;Develop and adopt a Social Media plan and oversee that this plan is actioned;Pre-book and participate at various tradeshows and consumer shows throughout the year;Represent the hotel at events and exhibitions and dealing with print work;Attend networking events with membership organisations with a view to promoting the hotel and the Talbot Collection;Produce weekly reports which will support your weekly Sales & Marketing activities; The successful candidate will have:Relevant Sales and Marketing Qualifications;Digital Marketing Qualification;Minimum 4 years' Sales & Marketing experience.Strong outgoing personality, with excellent presentation and interpersonal skills;Previous experience in the hospitality business (Sales, Reception, Reservations, Duty Management, PR or Tour Operator businesses) would be a decided advantage;Proven record of meeting deadlines and targets, excellent attention to detail.Full driving licence and own mode of transport.Some of the benefits of joining the team:Contributory company pension scheme. (12 months service requirement);Company Life Insurance SchemeFree parkingStaff mealsEmployee Assistance ProgrammeTalbot Collection Friends and Family Rates on accommodationBike to WorkChristmas Savings SchemeTraining and Development Opportunities - we invest in our peopleBeing part of a progressive & growing company.·   ***Midleton Park Hotel is an equal opportunity employer***

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