Sales and Marketing Associate

Summary of Responsibilities: PharmacyStore is an Irish-owned community pharmacy group with 5 stores, over 60 employees and strong ambitions to continue to grow. We are situated in the local communities we serve and understand the importance of what we deliver to our customers and their families. Our Sales & Marketing Associate is a key member of our Support Team and is the primary person charged with the responsibility for revenue growth across our stores. The Sales & Marketing Associate leads the development and implementation of strategies to identify revenue growth opportunities and maximises our overall business potential. Specific Responsibilities: Sales & Marketing: Responsible for the development of our marketing and branding strategy to raise the awareness of the PharmacyStore brand ensuring it is strong and consistent across all our stores and social media platforms. Develop and implement the Marketing calendar detailing our promotions and events in a well understood and timely manner. Merchandise our Pharmacies to reflect best practice store appearance such as our window displays and the provision of effective promotional material. Develop unique in store promotions having developed a knowledge and understanding of the customer requirements within each store including the local demographics and resulting customer needs.  Build the capability of our staff to enable them to maximise link selling opportunities and champion how it can actively contribute to increased sales across our individual stores. In collaboration with our Buyer to establish plans for the introduction of new products, ensuring staff training and mechanising plans are delivered for any new product or service categories. Closely partner with the Support Team and the Duty Managers to implement revenue growth plans for each specific store. Partner with our Buyer to collaborate on the development of an efficient sales and marketing plan which is supported by an efficient supply chain end to end processes. Analyse customer purchasing behaviours for in-store sales to determine strategies to optimise customer engagement and revenue growth. Keep abreast of best practices and trends in our industry, developing a good knowledge of our competition. Develop and track our KPI’s focusing on our sales data, our market share and our competitor’s marketing activities. Introduce new products and services that benefit our customers and add value to the business. Monitor our customer service levels to ensure market leading customer service  Leadership: Demonstrating leadership as a member of the Retail Management team, giving input to overall business direction, making recommendations and motivating teams and colleagues when and where required. Contribute to all elements of the business sharing expertise and knowledge with our support teams and Duty Managers. Ensure effective communication of priorities across the support team ensuring all team members are aligned with our sales and marketing plans. As a member of the support team provide support and mentoring to other team members as required and help the team to build and develop their knowledge of sales and marketing.  Key Personal Attributes Required: Strong team leadership and motivational skills coupled with a passion for the retail business. Excellent communication skills both verbal and written. Strong results orientation always looking to improve sales and marketing results. Self-motivator who defines and takes ownership for strategy and its execution. Excellent business acumen in relation to the Pharmacy retail sector.  Desired Experience and Qualification: Extensive Sales and Marketing experience preferably in a retail/pharmacy business. Bachelors’ degree in Sales/Marketing or a related discipline. Demonstrated experience of using data and analytics to inform decision making and strategies. Extensive experience in Customer Service with a deep understanding of what’s required to deliver excellent Customer Service. Benefits: Bike to work scheme Pension Scheme Competitive Performance Related Bonus Monthly expenses  Paid Maternity and Paternity Leave Employee discount Schedule:Monday to FridayNo weekends 

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