Sales and Accounts Manager

Our Concrete Products and Aggregates business is a high performance and profitable business unit supporting our Irish customers. At Kilsaran, we are trusted by businesses and contractors alike to produce quality construction materials that are fundamental in the creation of our national infrastructure, including large commercial buildings, domestic and agricultural construction, office blocks and major road networks. This is a client facing role with a combination of account management and new business generation. The successful candidate will be responsible for developing and maintaining business relationships with customers in the Kildare area.Responsibilities:·       Develop new and existing business by positively promoting the company’s full range of products.·       Manage key customer accounts.·       Introduce all new products and services offered by the company in line with the business strategy.·       Establish and maintain on-going customer business relationships in order to provide the highest possible understanding of customer requirements and ensure end product satisfaction.·       Provide accurate and rapid cost calculations and quotations to customers.·       Responsible for negotiating terms of an agreement and closing of sales.·       Responsible for negotiating price variation, delivery, and specification with customers.·       Proactively deal with and close out customer complaints in conjunction with other relevant departments.·       Provide assistance with budgets, strategy, planning and forecasting when required.·       Attend production scheduling, sales and marketing meetings, trade events and conferences as required.·       Prepare and deliver all reports and letters in an accurate and timely manner.Skills Required:·       Third level qualification in Sales & Marketing or Engineering is a bonus.·       5+ years’ solid experience in a sales role and in a related industry. Previous technical sales experience is an advantage.What You Get:Kilsaran is an organization that believes that our people are our greatest strength, and our success is down to the dedication and enthusiasm of our team. As such, we have dedicated benefits structures to reward our team. The benefits on offer for this position are as follows:·       Competitive Base Salary·       KPI Based Bonus·       Defined Contribution Pension Scheme·       VHI Healthcare Contribution·       Company Vehicle, Laptop, Mobile·       Twenty-one Days Annual LeaveAdditional Benefits:·       Further Education/Training Support·       Annual Company Social Events·       Sick Pay·       Cycle to work scheme·       Employee Assistance Programme·       Paid Maternity/Paternity LeaveHiring Process Upon Application:·       Telephone Screening·       2 round interview process (1st Round can be completed via MS Teams where necessary)·       Offer Letter to Successful candidate

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