Sales Advisor, Nutgrove S/C

Established in 1965, Carraig Donn is Ireland’s premier retailer of Fashion, Jewellery and Giftware products and we currently have an opportunity for a Part time Sales Advisor to join the team in store at Nutgrove S/C, Rathfarnham, Dublin 14. Become a part of our team.  The successful candidates will be hard working, reliable, and enjoy working as part of a friendly productive team in a busy & fast-paced retail environment. The Company: Established in 1965, Carraig Donn is Ireland’s premier retailer of Fashion, Jewellery and Giftware products. At Carraig Donn, we are inspired by our long history as an Irish retailer and we draw on our heritage as we consistently innovate and evolve. Our team of experienced buyers strive to bring our customers quality products that are unique and exclusive to Carraig Donn stores. The Carraig Donn customer is central to our success and we pride ourselves on providing genuine, honest customer service and an excellent retail experience. Our aim is to build positive, lasting relationships with our customers by providing them the right products – when and where they need them. Carraig Donn is 100% Irish owned and operated. We currently employ over 500 people across our Head Office and retail stores with 40 branches nationwide. Our central warehouse, buying offices, dispatch center and e-commerce operations are all conducted from our home on the Lodge Road, Westport, Co. Mayo. With buying offices also located in Ennis, and Dublin. Carraig Donn is continuing to grow year on year, with an exciting 10-year expansion plan. Successful candidates:  • Will possess excellent customer service skills. • Will have great communication and interpersonal skills. • Will actively support the store team with daily tasks including customer service, till operations, stock replenishment and merchandising. • Will be genuinely passionate about our products and display awareness of Store sales targets and KPI’s, driving sales through conversion, link-selling and up-selling. • Will be self-motivated, friendly and helpful with a positive can-do attitude. • Must be fully flexible as will be required to work weekdays including evenings, weekends and Bank Holidays. While training will be provided, please note previous retail experience is desirable (Experience with regard to Fashion, Jewellery or Giftware will be an advantage). What we offer:Flexible workingStrong culture of career progression opportunitiesPaid apprenticeships allowing you to achieve level 6 certificationWeekly payHSF plan for everyone from under 2.50 per weekGenerous staff discountEmployee referral schemeBike to workEmployee engagement platform

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