Sales Administrator

Total Source are looking for professional, self-motivated person with excellent communication skills to join our team. We are looking for a sales administrator to undertakes all sales and purchasing duties.This would be a full-time position for a suitable candidate. The ideal candidate should be computer literate essentially with knowledge of Outlook, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel and SAP B1 but this is not essential. Sales and purchasing experience is preferred but is not essential   Job Responsibilities will include but are not limited to the following: Collect, analyse and summarize account informationAssist with purchasing & sales within the companyMaintain and update purchasing recordsEnsure all purchasing documents are correctly maintained and filed accordinglyMonitor and co-ordinate deliveriesPrepare purchasing & sales reports as necessarySource, select and negotiate the best purchase package in terms of quality, price, terms, deliveries and services with suppliers.Any other reasonable and relevant duties as requested by your Manager, necessary to meet the ongoing needs of the company. Skills Essential to the candidate for this role: A self-motivated individual with a professional and mature attitude is essentialGood communication skills and fluent use of English is a must for this roleAn experienced all-rounder is needed with a can-do attitude and a pleasant personality, someone who is helpful and willing to assist in all situations that can arise from day to day

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