Sales Account Manager

Your title in City Wonders will be: Sales Account Manager (Permanent, Full timeWho will support your development? Senior Account Manager/Head of Sales and DistributionWhere will you be located? Remote role within EuropeYour new adventure begins!City Wonders is a leading tour operator offering guided tours in several major cities. We specialize in innovative high-quality tours featuring unique customer benefits and world-class customer service. It is these hallmarks of our brand that differentiate us in the marketplace.City Wonders is seeking a forward-thinking and experienced Distribution Account Manager for our online distribution / Online Travel Agent (OTA) channels. The right candidate will have exceptional relationship development abilities, an analytical mind, and is also someone who is commercially driven. This position is responsible for profitable revenue generation from some of our OTA accounts.This is a full-time remote position based in western Europe. Close proximity to an international airport required.What will you be responsible for every day in City Wonders?Build and maintain strong relationships on multiple levels with a designated set of smaller distributor accountsAct as the primary day-to-day contact with assigned accounts and execute/secure primary product placement initiatives on each of those designated OTAs, including but not limited to product rollout, merchandising and marketing InitiativesDrive revenue production, ensuring your set of OTAs load, promote, and sell products consistent with the company’s overall sales strategy Contribute to the development of our online distribution strategy, focused on a return-on-investment approach to reach the distribution revenue objectives Demonstrate a strong external focus, including external industry involvement to influence direction and build City Wonders reputation in the marketGather and share marketplace intelligence with key internal stakeholders to improve our products and positioningDevelop and maintain knowledge of our products, services, and brand, to ensure distributors are kept up to date with the latest information on itinerary, content, selling points, and pricingAnalyse sales data to conduct monthly and quarterly business reviews with assigned distributorsContinuously review performance metrics to spot issues and trends, then make relevant recommendationsWork with other departments to resolve issues. Work with teammates to prioritize the sales support workloadDo you have the City Wonders skills and fit?5+ years of B2B sales experience required with a primary focus on profitable revenue growthOnline travel distribution or OTA experience a plusExperience developing/implementing strategy for an international customer base is a plus, particularly for EMEA and US originationsExperience with technology and common software and web applications, including Excel, Word, Teams and PowerPointPositive “can do” attitude with excellent communication skillsExcellent presentation, sales, and relationship building skills; strong distributor relationships will be key for success in this roleSelf-motivated and highly organizedAnalytical with proven track record for delivering resultsFlexibility to travelBachelor’s degree in tourism related field or businessFluency in English, both spoken and written is required. Another European language appreciated.

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