We are currently recruiting for temporary part time Sales Assistant for our store in Arthur's Quay Shopping Centre, Limerick.Working in an exciting fast paced juice bar, no two days are the same. Selling a positive good for you product you are constantly dealing with happy and thankful customers.We are looking for a new staff member with an excellent attitude , a team player who can also work on their own initiative, someone who can meet the highest standards and can work with a smile on their face!Benefits :Flexible HoursBonusesAwardsExtra HolidaysTraining & DevelopmentFree staff drinksRequirements :Excellent customer serviceAbility to work in fast pace environmentTeam WorkFollowing instructionsWorking under pressureAbility to work on own initiativeFully flexibleLeadership skillsFull training will be provided but previous experience as a manager in catering / restaurant / take away sector would be an advantage.Skills:Hygiene standards Food Preparation Stock Rotation Cashiering Teamwork Customer Service FlexibilityJob Types: Part-time, Permanent

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