Sake Sommelier - 'New' Japanese Inspired Restaurant

We have a rare but very exciting opportunity for a talented individual to join our team and be part of our new Japanese inspired restaurant, Yoku, opening at No.131 The Promenade.With a growing demand and continued rise in popularity of Japanese cuisine, sake consumption is at a record high. We are looking for someone with a passion for Sake and a desire to educate our guests with the perfect pairing of this cuisine.As Sake sommelier you will work closely with the Waiting and Bar team and you will inspire and recommend sake that will complement guest menu choices.Guest service and product knowledge is the most important aspect of this role, comprehensive training will be given along with continuous professional development, ensured to enhance and broaden your knowledge.Our ideal candidate will be self-motivated and driven, with a sense of fun and professionalism in equal measure. You will have the ability to multitask and work closely with a dynamic team in a creative environment.In return you'll receive:Share of tipsSupport with Health & Well-being advice through our Employee Assistance Programme (EAP), Hospitality Action50% team discountTeam food when workingMonthly team incentivesRegular group-wide social team eventsContributory pension schemeRefer a friend reward scheme - if you refer a friend you can earn up to £600Continual trainingOpportunity of progressionIf you are interested in this opportunity and would enjoy working with a dedicated and professional team who are passionate about great food and drink we would be delighted to hear from you. Please send us your current CV detailing your skills and experience.

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