RMC Driver - Millennium

Our Concrete Products and Aggregates business is a high performance and profitable business unit supporting our Irish customers. At Kilsaran, we are trusted by businesses and contractors alike to produce quality construction materials that are fundamental in the creation of our national infrastructure, including large commercial buildings, domestic and agricultural construction, office blocks and major road networks.We are currently looking for 2 RMC Driver's for our Millennium Plant. Responsibilities:As an RMC Driver, you will liaise with our logistics department and the location manager to ensure Kilsaran products are delivered to customers in a safe and timely manner.Complete all collections and deposits as scheduled to ensure effective and efficient service to all customers and facilities.Ensure that on arrival, the delivery is safe to make and respect the customer’s property, if in doubt consult with customer and/or local Manager or Transport Manager.Complete a check of delivery with customer and obtain a signature.Maintain a schedule of all deliveries and collections.Operate trucks in a safe and effective manner in order to minimise the risk of injury and/or property damage.Operate all equipment in a safe and efficient manner according to all relevant legislations, policies, and procedures.Perform daily safety checks and maintenance checks.Drive within the Tachograph Law and Driver Hour Limits.Clean trucks as scheduled and / or required. Maintain the cleanliness of the cab.Report any incidents or accidents as soon as possible and in compliance with the company’s accident reporting procedure.Attend essential training in order to carry out the driver role.Provide support in the yard as required by Location Manager.Ensure trucks and equipment is safely and securely stored.Demonstrate a lead by example approach to all aspects of Health & Safety, be fully compliant with Company Health & Safety: policies, procedures, systems, and rules, report all hazards and incidents and ensure that you work safely at all times. Skills Required:Ability to work on own initiative without supervision.Strong understanding of health & safety practices regarding vehicle movements around site.Excellent decision / problem solving skills.Ability to deal with the public / clients in a positive, courteous, and respectful manner.Ability to work in a high-paced, deadline orientated environment.(Candidates must be based in Ireland). What You Get:Kilsaran is an organization that believes that our people are our greatest strength, and our success is down to the dedication and enthusiasm of our team. As such, we have dedicated benefits structures to reward our team. The benefits on offer for this position are as follows:Competitive hourly rateAnnual Attendance BonusOvertime PayTwenty-one Days Annual LeaveAdditional Benefits:Sick PayConstruction Workers Pension SchemeEmployee Assistance ProgrammeCycle-to-work schemeFurther education/training and development supportCareer progression opportunities Hiring Process Upon Application:Brief telephone Screening with our recruitment team1 round interview processOffer Letter to Successful candidate

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