Rigid Truck Driver

Permanent Role Cloverhill DublinWhat Do We Want?We want a rigid truck driver (class 2)who takes pride in and enjoys what they do.We want you to have the required licence and have previous experience in this role.You will need to have all your CPC's in date.We want you to be a people person and you will have strong written and verbal communication skills.We want you to have experience in completing multi-drop deliveries for the Leinster area.We want you to be able to load and unload a truck, using the appropriate MHE.You will have attention to detail and be accurate when checking and completing documentation.We want you to be able to have some flexibility with hours although the set standard hours are 6:00am - 15:00pmWhat will your day to day look like?On arrival you will complete your walk around checks on your vehicle and if you have any issues, you will report all vehicle maintenance to management in a timely manner adhering to Primeline Health & Safety policy.You will then check all your orders against manifests and sign on receipt of orders.You will then follow the route plan provided to you.You will ensure all delivery paperwork is completed and accurate at each delivery.You will load/unload vehicle using PPT.You will interact with customer service detailing any issues in a timely manner.Once your route is completed, you will then return.You will meet with advise of deliveries completed and provide POD paperwork.What skills do you need for this role?You will need a full clean C licence.Digital Tach CardYou must have completed 4 modules of CPC TrainingYou will have 3-5 years relevant experience in Ireland driving Rigid trucksYou will be fluent in English verbal & written.You must have the ability to meet deadlinesYou must be flexibleMust be available to work in the Leinster region.Here is what we can offer you?Fulltime permanent roleCompetitive SalarySubsistence AllowancePRSA20 days paid annual leave & 10 bank holidaysLaya employee assistance programmeGP24 liveLife Assurance

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