
Are you a Lifting Supervisor/Rigger looking for a change in your career?Rockwell are currently recruiting an experienced Lifting Supervisor/Rigger to join exciting mechanical engineering project in the North Dublin region, on a full-time basis.Duties and Responsibilities:Inspect and prepare loads for prior to lifting.Set, align, and level heavy machinery and equipment.Select appropriate rigging gear for each task.Prepare rigging equipment such as beams, pulleys, clamps, and bolts.Conduct inspections of rigging before use.Verify that all lifting gear is certified and up to date.Fulfill duties as the Rockwell Lifting Appointed Person (AP).Developing and documenting lifting plans for submittal and approval, and ensuring works are carried out as per lift plan.Monitor and maintain rigging equipment to ensure functionality.Perform weekly inspections of lifting gear and equipment.Maneuver loads using heavy machinery and manual methods.Ensuring compliance of safety procedures.Communicate effectively with the rigging and construction teams.Dismantle rigging equipment and perform post-use inspections.Essential Qualifications, Knowledge and Skills Experience:Experience working as a rigger or pipefitter.Appointed Persons Qualified or Lifting Supervisor Qualified at a minimum. Experience in a similar role within a mechanical contracting environmentCapability to work both independently and collaboratively within a multi-functional teamStrong communication and organizational skillsValid Safe Pass and Manual Handling certificationOwn transport is also a necessity for this position.Why join Rockwell?We provide a competitive salary that reflects your experience and qualifications. You will also have the chance to work in a vibrant and supportive setting, collaborating with experts in the field and making a positive impact on the environment. Our company prioritises work-life balance and supports your professional growth through training opportunitiesRockwell is an equal opportunities employer

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