Revenue Manager (Maternity cover)

The Ellison Hotel, Castlebar, Co. Mayo is currently seeking an enthusiastic, energetic and experienced Revenue and Reservations Manager to join our friendly and dynamic team.The Ellison Hotel, is part of the Comer Group Hotels.Objective of the Role:As the successful candidate you will be responsible for maximising rooms revenue. Reporting to the General Manager. You will be both friendly and professional at all times and full training of the systems will be provided.Key Duties and Responsibilities:Maintain and improve on the rooms strategy for the hotelManage the hotel rates inline with the occupancy levelsManage online reservations systems and group bookingsLiaising with Sales team of key datesCommunication of offers and packages with FO teamAchieve monthly targetsForecast revenue and develop initiatives around specific need datesSkills and Requirements:Hotsoft experience an advantageAttention to detailExcellent customer service skills.Ability to work on own initiative as well as part of a team.Excellent communication skills.Capability to work well under tight deadlines.Previous experience in a similar role.Benefits of the Role:Free on-site parking.Free lunch while on duty.Flexible hoursDiscounted rates in other Comer Group Hotels.The Comer Group Hotels is a growing group in Ireland, and provides great career opportunities. For more information contact us directly.

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