Retail Senior Travel Consultant

Join the team at our Kilmarnock store!The Retail arm of Brooklyn Travel Group is one of our most varied departments encompassing Travel Sales, Admin Support, Product and Customer Service functions. As an independent travel Agent, we have the ability to sell all types of holidays, to any destination from our 11 stores across Scotland and Northern Ireland. We also offer an omni-channel approach for ease and flexibility of booking. Our aim is to provide our customers with a seamless journey from initial enquiry to their Welcome Home’ call, as exceptional customer service is at the heart of what we do. Role InformationAn ambassador for Stewart Travel, the Senior Travel Consultant role is exciting, varied and fast paced. We pride ourselves in our exceptional customer service and expect you to continuously work to our values. As an experienced Consultant, you will be passionate about travel and fantastic knowledge and experiences to share with your customers. As a Senior in the team, you will share your product knowledge with your colleagues and help support them Duties and Responsibilities • Have excellent working knowledge of all major tour operator and airline products to be able to match needs of your customer, and strive to continuously improve your knowledge of our products • Represent the Stewart Travel Retail team, offering exceptional travel advice and information face to face, by email and over the phone • Support your colleagues with their bookings, ensuring processes are followed and they have considered all options available to them • Communicate professionally & confidently with customers, listening to their needs and finding the most appropriate travel solution for them • Book holidays using the correct process and systems, including flights, hotels, transfers and excursions • Have the ability to tailor make holidays and cruises to fit customer requirements • Maximize sales and the customer experience by suggesting upgrades and additional products with their roles. • Take payments for deposits, holidays and other travel related expenses in the correct and secure manner • Always look for innovative ways to generate new business • Take ownership & contribute to team goals & targets whilst striving to achieve maximum profit on individual salesKnowledge, Skills and Experience • Have a minimum of 3 years’ experience in a travel sales environment • Have a good understanding of travel products including Tour Operators and Airlines, and knowledge and experience selling Cruise and Long-Haul holidays • High standard of verbal and written communication skills • Confident in talking to customers both face to face and online • Ability to work in a challenging, fast paced, sales environment • Ability to multi-task and prioritise • Strong customer service skills • Ability to work autonomously but also as part of a small team • Ability to be flexible and support other retail branches as required

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