Retail Sales

TJ O’ Mahony Lower Ballymount Road, Ballymount, D12 PK81, part of HPC Sales Ltd., Irelands’ leading Builders Providers and Home Improvement/DIY Store, is looking for a full-Time, Permanent, Retail Sales person to join our TeamJob Purpose: Demonstrate and explain to customers the product information, providing product knowledge, selecting suitable options for customer needs. Driving sales through engagement with customers and selling. Duties and Responsibilities:·       Greeting and directing customers.·       Providing accurate information to customers about product features, pricing, delivery and after-sales services.·       Answering customers’ questions about specific products.·       Ensure racks are fully stocked.·       Coordinate with Branch Manager and sales team.·       Drives sales through engagement with customers, selling and sharing product knowledge.·       Documenting sales by creating sales invoices/purchase orders.·       Managing financial transactions.·       Processing payments.·       Assist with inventory, including receiving of goods and stocking.·       Provide excellent customer service and building customer relationships.·       Inform customers about discounts and special offers.·       Stay update to with new products and services. Requirements:·       Proven experience in retail sales.·       Knowledge of stock and inventory.·       Excellent customer service and interpersonal skills.·       Meeting sales targets.·       Positive friendly attitude.·       Full Driver's License essential. Job Type: PermanentHours: 39 hours per week              HPC Sales Ltd. is an equal opportunities employer.

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