Retail QA Technician (Days)

The role·        Ensure quality and checks are carried out to agreed procedures and schedules.·        Verify labels applied to the product and report any non- conforming ones if found.·        Collect, store, and analyse as appropriate shelf-life samples.·        Check product, steriliser, and fridge air temperatures.·        Monitor general product quality and advise departmental supervisor/manager of any issues.·        Compile various reports. ·        Monitor environmental standards in production areas and report issues to management/supervision.Knowledge and Experience•     Understand customer specifications and food hygiene standards.•     Must be reliable and flexible.•     Must have excellent attention to detail. •     Must be a confident, clear communicator with a friendly personality .•     Be a team player with the ability to be self sufficient.•     Have adequate IT skills.Hours of workMonday- Saturday, Sunday is fixed off and a rota day during the week; 7am – 3:30pmSalaryTBC at interview

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