Retail Pharmacy Assistant, Full Time, Sandford Road, Ranelagh

Retail Pharmacy Assistant (Full Time) - Meagher's Pharmacy, Sandford Road RanelaghCompetitive rate of pay and benefitsImmediate startGenerous Staff DiscountFull Time Role (Monday to Friday, 40 Hours per week)No Weekends or Late nightsAccess to our own Health & Wellbeing expertBike to Work scheme availableSupportive, dynamic teamsContinual learning and development opportunitiesConsistent Pharmacist presence instoreInspirational leadership and passion for excellencePositive company culture which promotes staff and customer wellbeing.Do you want to be part of a Company which was recognised as one of Ireland's Best Workplaces? We know that a great place to work starts with our people, and award winning Meagher's Pharmacy Group are currently recruiting for an experienced Retail Pharmacy Assistant for our Sandford Road Store, in Ranelagh.The successful applicant will join a consistent team of experienced Healthcare Advisors, Pharmacy Technicians, Pharmacists, Superintendent Pharmacists and other Support Staff,The ideal candidates will have a minimum of 1 years’ experience working in a Community Pharmacy in Ireland, with experience selling OTC medication. Candidates must be highly personable, flexible, a team player, motivated, have strong interpersonal skills and excellent attention to detail.This new Retail Pharmacy Assistant staff member, will join a dynamic team, delivering expert advice, working in a positive environment with excellent personal development opportunitiesEssential Requirements ·      1 years' experience working in a busy community pharmacy in Ireland, with experience selling OTC·      A highly motivated self-starter·      Excellent command of English, great communication and interpersonal skills·      A friendly and approachable nature ·      Customer focused with the ability to deal with the public, in a friendly professional and confidential manner·      Knowledge of the pharmacy sector and a pro-active approach to self-development·      Experience with Stock Control, managing live stock levels·      Experience with selling Skin care brands and Vitamins.

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