Retail Manager - North West Appliance Solutions

Retail ManagerNorth West Appliance Solutions are a local, friendly business and an Approved Service Partner for a select number of well-known manufacturers and brands within the White Goods industry.We are seeking an experienced and dynamic Retail Manager to oversee the sales operations of our new retail store specializing in white goods and domestic appliances. The ideal candidate will be responsible for managing all aspects of the sales process, from customer interactions to product demonstrations, installations, and inventory management.Responsibilities:Sales Management:Develop and implement effective sales strategies to achieve and exceed sales targets.Provide exceptional customer service by understanding customer needs and recommending suitable products.Conduct product demonstrations to showcase features and benefits of white goods and domestic appliances.Installation Coordination:Coordinate with Office manager / installation technicians to schedule and arrange appliance installations for customers.Ensure installations are completed efficiently and according to company standards.Address any installation issues or customer concerns in a timely and professional manner.Inventory Management:Oversee inventory levels and ensure adequate stock of white goods and domestic appliances.Monitor sales trends and adjust inventory levels accordingly to minimize stockouts and excess inventory.Coordinate with suppliers and vendors to replenish stock and negotiate favourable terms.Operational Efficiency:Implement efficient operating procedures to streamline sales processes and maximize productivity.Monitor and analyse sales performance metrics to identify areas for improvement.Address any operational challenges or bottlenecks to ensure smooth store operations.Qualifications:Proven experience in retail sales / shop management, preferably in the white goods or domestic appliances sector.Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.Solid understanding of sales techniques and customer service principles.Proficiency in inventory management and basic accounting principles.Ability to multitask and prioritize tasks in a fast-paced environment.Knowledge of white goods and domestic appliances, including features, specifications, and installation requirementsBenefits:Competitive salary of £27,000 to £30,000 per annum dependent on experiencePerformance-based incentivesCompany Pension schemeWellbeing and fantastic work – life balanceExcellent opportunities for progression and promotion within our business.Death in service benefit at 3x salaryCompany online retailer saving portalComplimentary MAP – (Multi Appliance Protection) for your own home appliances.Costa card gift cards – monthly nominations by Team ManagersWorking Hours:Monday - Friday 9-5pm with Saturday working to be introduced further down the line

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