Deputy Retail Manager

We are currently seeking applications for the above role, based in our Avoca Belfast store. This role is a permanent full-time role for immediate start. Rate of pay for this role is depending on experience.Job Description:This role will report to the store General Manager and will hold full responsibility for all aspects of the Retail, Ambient and Dry Goods, CBK Retail Product, Retail Concessions offering in the store and additional Retail requirements as they arise.About the Role:The Deputy Retail Manager will be responsible for all of Avoca’s Fashion, Ladies, Menswear, Beauty, Children’s Wear, Homeware, CBK Retail Product, Dry Goods and Concessions offering in their store and additional retail requirements as they arise.Supporting the General Manager, the Retail Manager will lead their Teams in all aspects of sales growth, margin attainment, Income protection, stock control, cost control, customer service, training and health and safety.The Retail Manager will ensure Avoca continues to lead the market in quality, choice and variety of retail offering.Responsibilities· Drive sales and profit conversion delivering on a P&L bottom line· Ensure customer service and standards are best in class· Ensure all members of your team are fully trained, motivated and efficient in their duties· Full responsibility for stock control including ordering, replenishment, storage, cycle counts and seasonality changes· Act as a brand guardian to ensure consistency across the breadth of our offering· Drive innovation, embrace change and support the team in the delivery of new concepts· Ensure visual merchandising and displays are in keeping with Avoca brand standards· Work with the Buying team to support the development of category growth plans· Work with Business Excellence team to optimise Stock, Labour, Margin Control, Sales Innovation and Cost Management· Work with our concession partners to deliver on the Avoca business requirements· Full compliance with Health & Safety and Food Safety requirements throughout our operations· Ensure accurate and timely Employee records are inputted on our TMS· Provide cover for the Food Manager and GM when required· Ad hoc duties as per business requirements Requirements· 5-10 years’ experience in a high end customer facing retail business· Highly organised with an ability to multi-task, prioritise and work to tight deadlines· Must be strategic, commercially minded with a clear vision and a passion for retail· Proven track record of seeking responsibility· Excellent customer service skills – the ability to go “above and beyond”· Be a creative and innovative thinker· Attention to detail· Great problem solving skills· Be a teamwork championAvoca is an equal opportunities employer

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