Retail General Operatives (Days)

Role Description:Retail General operatives are required to deliver support into our Retail team. They will be responsible for the effective and efficient packing of products according to customer`s requirements.Main Duties and Responsibilities:·        You will be responsible for debagging - Opening the primal bag and disposing of the waste bags.·        You will be responsible for slicing - Feeding the slicer with templated primal.·        You will be responsible for presenting - Placing product into pods/trays/preformed film.·        You will be responsible for packing of finished products - Placing finished product into trays ready to be outer case marked.·        You will be responsible for maximising the yield of the product and minimising waste to ensure production is as efficient as possible.·        You will be required to undertake such duties as required in a safe manner.·        You will also be required to fully engage in all aspects of training and communication.Hour of Work:Days-Monday to Saturday, From 7am to 3:30pm, sunday is fixed off and a rota day off during the weekLocation:ABP UK Ellesmere

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