Retail Associate

About DV8With nearly 60 stores across Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland & Scotland and 30 years of presence and expertise in the fashion industry, DV8 Fashion is one of the most recognised fashion names on the High Street bringing you top brands, exclusive lines and new trends. We pride ourselves in innovation and creativity and love to showcase this in everything that we do. We have a truly global presence, offering our brands online giving you 24/7 access to top fashion, shipping to most parts of the world! DV8 journey began in 1994, as a local family business we have now expanded massively and have big ambitions for the future. People are at the heart of what we do and play a key part in our continuous expansion, we are always looking for best talent, creativity and innovative mindsets to join DV8. About YouWe are on the lookout for full-time and part-time Retail Associates to join our DV8 Livingston store. Some retail experience would be great, but we provide full training & development, so we don’t enforce the need for previous experience! About the RoleTo be a successful Retail Associate at DV8 you will:·        Offer friendly and helpful service to all of our customers·        Keep our salesfloor looking spotless, tidy and easy to shop from·        Be working at any part of the store be it salesfloor or the stockroom·        Operate the till for both cash and card payments- full training will be provided·        Undertake other tasks to help smooth running of the storeSome of DV8 Benefits·        Career development opportunities·        Training·        Competitive remuneration·        Very generous staff discount·        Early access to exclusive and new linesInterested?Click the apply button to submit your CV and answer a few quick questions. Our team will review your application and if you meet the criteria, they will be in touch to find out more about your experience and more about you as a person!If this sounds like an opportunity for you then please don’t hesitate and submit your CV.Please note that due to a high volume of applications we reserve the right to close the job opening sooner than the expected closing date.DV8 Fashion is an equal opportunities employer, and we welcome applications from all suitably qualified persons.

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