Retail Associate

Why DV8?Established in 1994, DV8 Fashion has grown year on year, with a store portfolio of nearly 60 across Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland & Scotland. We pride ourselves in fashion and innovate on consumer trends, bringing to the market some of the leading brands! We want to continue to innovate fashion retail & we are always on the look-out for superstars to join not only a local, but growing company. We offer a starting salary, extremely generous staff discount scheme & career progression opportunities.What we need…We are on the lookout for Retail Associate to join our Charleville store. Some retail experience would be great, but we provide full training & development, so we don’t enforce the need for previous experience!  Weekday & Weekend availability is a must.What you will do...·        Customer Service: you will be the first person our customers will see. Greet them with a smile & help them as much as you can·        Cleanliness, Tidiness & Priced products… just a few of the important factors of fashion retailing, our customers expect all three, we want you to help us ensuring these expectations are always met·        FLASH – ensure all our products are positioned to look their best by supporting in the merchandising standards of the store… creativity is a must with us! We use social media platforms to market our products, you will be involved in this also.·        Cash Handling- you will be responsible for the operation of the till for both card & cash payments. Full training will be provided!

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