Retail Assistants - Dun Laoghaire

Shaws Department Stores now have vacancies for Sales Assistants in Dun Laoghaire.Established over 150 years ago, Shaws has become a trusted, much loved brand and one of Ireland's leading department store retailers. An Irish family-owned business to this day, we enjoy a rich heritage that is steeped in tradition. Our goal is to provide quality products, unmatched service and expert knowledge for all ourcustomers nationwide. Job Purpose: To assist and serve customers with the purchase of retail products. To care for the stock, including its administration, storage, presentation and security. Main Duties:·       Ensure customers are looked after promptly and politely, answering any queries that they may have.·       Adhere to till procedures.·       Merchandise stock in the correct manner·       Replenish stock on display where required.·       Receive, check and stock deliveries.·       Ensure store fixtures and fittings are clean and presentable at all times.·       Maintain a high level of security for both cash and stock.·       Complete stock counts and audits as necessary·       Compile orders from suppliers as required.·       Observe all Health & Safety procedures and protocols. The Successful Candidate: ·       Must have a passion for retail and thrive on customer interaction.·       Will be positive and motivated.·       Will be an excellent communicator who enjoys working as part of a team.·       Will be reliable and a good timekeeper. Previous experience is an advantage however full training will be provided.  Applicants must be fully flexible to work shifts over a 7 day roster. Availability for midweek shifts is essential.The successful candidate will be working 30 hours plus per week. If this sounds like your next ideal career move, then we would love to hear from you.

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