Retail Assistant

Full-Time Retail Assistant - Avoca Suffolk StreetDescriptionAn opportunity has arisen for Retail Assistant roles within the Avoca Suffolk Street store.These roles are suitable for candidates who absolutely passionate about customer service.Responsibilities• The highest standards of customer service are required for this role• Ensuring your area is always in line with Avoca’s best-in-class brand standards• Cash handling skills and use of the point-of-sale system• Management of stock levels, ensuring the offering is well maintained• Opening and closing duties as outlined by your line manager• Good computer skills• Promoting gift cards and/or special offers• Handling or escalating customer complaintsRequirements• Outstanding interpersonal and communication skills• A keen eye for detail and strong merchandising skills• A well-developed interest in jewellery would be an advantage but is not essential• Excellent timekeeping is a key requirement• The ability to work well under pressure• The capacity to use your initiative whilst working as part of the Team• Mid-week availability.Perks of the Job:• Career Progression Opportunities • Working for an Established Brand in Ireland• Pension Opportunities Sound like the job for you? We look forward to hearing from you. Skills:Till experience Customer Service Retail

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