Restaurant Supervisor

The Rose Hotel is a 4 star hotel located in the town of Tralee, Co Kerry. We have 161 bedrooms, 2 restaurants, 2 bars, function room, 4 meeting rooms, Spa and Gym.The hotel is currently recruiting for a Restaurant Supervisor who will oversee the running of both restaurants and also assist with banquets/weddings and in the bar etc.Main duties of the role include:1.     To ensure the smooth running of the restaurant food & beverage service when you are on duty, this will include Breakfast, Lunch, Afternoon Tea, Dinner & BarOverflow where required. The minimum requirement is that each table is checked by the supervisor on duty at least once during their meal. 2.     To work closely with the all the management of the hotel to ensure the smooth running of your department3.     To liaise with the manager on duty and to attend the morning (11AM) meeting to find out what is going on in the hotel for the day & to co-ordinatethe 12-noon briefing for all staff with the senior chef on duty. 4.     To promote a professional and hospitable image to the guest and give full co-operation to any guest requiring assistance with a prompt, caringand helpful attitude. 5.     To give full co-operation to any colleague requiring assistance in a prompt  and helpful manner and to be flexible in assisting around theHotel in response to business and guest needs.     6.     To maintain regular and efficient communication relating to your shift and to attend all hotel meetings as required.·        To record and document all staff non-compliance. This will include grooming, Lateness, Absenteeism & ensure the correct documents arefilled out and passed to HR.·        To Carry out return to work interview with staff who have been absent. 7.     To assist with the personnel and training function in the hotel. F&B Supervisors will be responsible for all the staff training. 8.     To constantly strive to achieve our Four Star plus mission. To ensure all hotels standards are at a minimum meet and exceed throughconstant training, coaching and communication with floor staff. To Ensure that the Hotels Grooming Policy is maintained and adhered tothrough out the shift and any issues are documented in the Grooming Diary 9.     To deal with any customer queries and complaints and respond to them efficiently.      To ensure that all customers who encounter issues or difficulties during their visit are satisfied with the outcome of the situation beforedeparture from the hotel.10. To ensure the security of the hotel, stocks and keys at all times whilst on duty.           11. To identify and report maintenance requirements/hazards in the workplace. To Ensure that all maintenance issues are recorded in the Passoveremail and the maintenance tracker on the common drive.12. To assume responsibility whilst on duty for any emergency situations in line with set down procedures.13. To undertake any other projects/tasks as set by the Operations Manager or Executive Head Chef and attend any training meetings as required. 14. To attend F&B meetings and give your inputQualifications and Experience required:Must have at least 1 years experience as a Restaurant/Bar Supervisor in a busy environmentMust be able to lead a teamMust have excellent communication skillsMust be able to work flexible hours - early/late - weekends and public holidaysMust be able to work in various f&b sectorsRequired to be flexible in your roleRequired to have knowledge of wines/food.Benefits of working in The Rose Hotelprovided with uniformprovided with meal on dutyFree car parkingAll year round employmentBike to work schemeTraining on the jobPlease note this is a full time rolePLEASE NOTE WE ARE UNABLE TO APPLY FOR A WORK PERMIT FOR A CANDIDATE AT THE PRESENT TIME

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