Restaurant Supervisor

Do you want to join a fun, vibrant team working in the luxury 4* Brehon Hotel in beautiful Killarney?At The Brehon Hotel, Killarney we are currently seeking an Restaurant Supervisor to join our friendly and professional Danu team.You will be reporting directly to the Restaurant Manager, and help oversee the running of the hotel which includes 125 bedrooms, our Restaurant, Bar and busy function room.Tasks/Responsibilities:Excellent product knowledge to allow menu development, upselling & training.Create a memorable, luxury experience for our guests and ensure guest satisfactionTrain, guide, and mentor team members to develop and improve overall team skillsMaintain and implement effective standardised systems, processes, and controls.Be a role model for up-selling and ensure that employees upsell at every opportunity.We are looking for a candidate who has the following:Previous experience as a restaurant supervisor within a 4* Hotel is essential Comprehensive knowledge of food and beverage procedures/service in Restaurants, Bars and at busy functionsExcellent attention to detail, high standards!Can lead by example and motivate a large teamAbility to build, train & retain a teamCan prioritise and delegate what needs to be doneExcellent communication and guest relation skillsYou enjoy working in the hospitality industry and want to progress your careerWhat we can offer you:A Welcoming & Supportive Team EnvironmentOpportunities for Professional Development & GrowthHot Meals Provided on DutyEmployee of the Month AwardsCompany EventsFriends & Family RatesEmployee Assistance ProgrammeFree Car ParkingEmployee Referral BonusRewards for Years of ServiceFlexible ScheduleWe look forward to hearing from you!

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