Restaurant Manager

The Lucky Onion is a family of hotels, inns and restaurants, raised and rooted in The Cotswolds, England. It currently consists of seven Lucky Onion properties; each one with its own distinct character and personality, but all sharing our genuine passion for great design, high quality food & drink and exceptional service. We love eating and feel that some of life’s best memories are created over a table, sharing food with the people we care about most. We use the very best produce, sourced locally wherever possible. We are now searching for a Restaurant Manager to join our highly regarded staff team at our award winning establishment; No 131 The Promenade in Cheltenham. A genuine passion for high quality, seasonal food and an ability to provide both exceptional service and a friendly, welcoming environment for our guests is a must for this role. We are also soon to open a new concept which will be an exciting opportunity to drive and develop. With the ability to multi-task, you will be organised and efficient with a keen eye for detail. You will be a skilled manager with knowledge and experience of running busy restaurants. Our ideal candidate will have excellent communication skills, strong business acumen and a sense of fun and professionalism in equal measure. Two years’ experience in a 2 Rosette Restaurant would be a preferred but is not essential.  If you are interested in this role and would enjoy working with a dedicated team who share your passion for great food and exceptional service; we would be delighted to hear from you. 

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