Residential Support Worker

Looking for more than a 9-5? Looking for a rewarding career where you can help people live their best life possible?We are looking for motivated individuals to support 2 adults with autism and learning disabilities, in a beautifully converted cottage in Lymm, Warrington.  Support Worker Salary - £29,719  per annum (this salary includes completing 1 sleep-in shift per week). The hourly rate for this role is £12.00 per hour and will increase to £12.50 for anyone who has the relevant qualifications.As a Support Worker, you will provide the highest standards of care for the people we support, understand their care needs, plan activities, and support and engage them to succeed in living their best lives. You will work on a rota pattern that you will receive in advance to help you plan ahead and create a good work-life balance.  Your work pattern will entail full day shifts (14 hours) and some sleep-in shifts when you sleep at the home overnight. Benefits·       Simply Health cashback scheme (includes dental/optical/physiotherapy/ health and wellbeing support)·       Fully funded Adults Care Worker Level 2 qualification ·       Care Friends employee referral & reward scheme·       Bright Stars bonus payments, employee of the month·       Overtime and extra sleep-in opportunities available·       All meals & refreshments provided whilst at work·       Pension scheme entitlement  Responsibilities·       Provide the best care and support to the people we support and make a real difference in their lives·       Be helpful, and proactive as you will have an important role in providing both high-quality provision care and creating a happy, home environment·       Support the adults with their daily routines, to access education and varied activities in their local community Requirements·       Experience as a carer would be great but full training and induction are provided·       Driver’s licence is an advantage but it is not essential·       Be approachable, friendly, proactive, and engaging Safeguarding Requirements·       Bright Futures commit to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and our requirement for the successful applicant would be to undertake enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service check where appropriate. Satisfactory references are also required.If this sounds like the job for you …. we would love to hear from you!

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