Residential Coordinator/Social Care Manager/CNM3

Co-Ordinator – Adult Residential Services Permanent Post(Social Care Manager/CNM3 Grade)  We are looking for a candidate with the skills and experience necessary to manage a person centred, dynamic and challenging 24/7 residential service. We provide adult residential & respite services compliant with HIQA standards and legislation. The role will provide effective management support to our team of residential supervisors. The successful candidate must have: A relevant third level qualification in the area of Health/Social Care Third Level Management Qualification Excellent knowledge and understanding of relevant HIQA standards and all other relevant legislation. A proven track record in the delivery of Person Centred systems services and supports. Previous relevant experience of working with people with an intellectual disability A minimum of three years management experience and the ability to demonstrate excellent relevant people management and leadership skills. A flexible working approach that responds to the changing needs of a 24/7 service. Full Clean Drivers Licence If you believe you have the necessary enthusiasm, competencies and experience to bring to this role, please forward your letter of application along with your Curriculum Vitae by email only to using reference DSEPICMAY24 in the subject line.  Informal enquiries to Michelle Genoe Tel: 087 391 0836Closing Date: 31st May 2024 Shortlisting will applyInterviews will be held in person Saint John of God Community Services Limited is an equal opportunities employer. We operate HSE (Health Service Executive) funded services across Intellectual Disability, Adult Mental Health and Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

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