Resident Medical Officers – Part time flexible hours

The Galway Clinic is now recruiting Resident Medical Officers specifically in the areas of Orthopaedics, Oncology and General Medicine. As a 130+ bedded hospital with an 8 bed Intensive Care Unit we also welcome applicants with skills mixes outside of the abovementioned three specialties. These roles are flexible and mostly operate as part-time averaging between 20 and 40 hours per week. Excellent working conditions exist in the Galway Clinic with a friendly atmosphere. We are fortunate to be a national leader in the use of Electronic Healthcare Records. This facilitates easy and efficient patient care management. Candidate requirements:MB, BCh, BAO or equivalentRegistration on the General Register/Division of the Irish Medical Council essentialA minimum of three years experience post qualification is desirable.Current ACLS or equivalent (must be in place prior to commencement of post)PALS is desirableMRCPI/UK, MRCSI/UK, AFRCSI or equivalent desirable In return:Candidates will receive competitive remunerationAccess to a generous education grantIn house training, education sessions and support to maintain CPD requirements including auditFlexible working schedule with emphasis on individual career progression Please send us your CV and a short cover letter as an enquiry for further details about the posts including our excellent remuneration and educational grant.  Blackrock Health @ Galway Clinic is an equal opportunities employer

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