Reservations Agent

Job SummaryAs a reservations agent in our customer contact centre, you’ll be responsible for assisting customers with their hotel bookings and reservations. You’ll need excellent communication skills, a friendly attitude, and the ability to handle a high volume of calls. Responsibilities ·       Answer incoming calls from hotel guests and assist them with new and existing reservations.·       Input reservations into the hotels Property Management Systems.·       Provide accurate information on facilities and amenities for all individual hotels.·       Help guests with cancellations and amendments.·       Ensure accurate logging of all calls received.·       Upsell additional services and packages to enhance the guest’s hotel experience.·       Email correspondence and admin duties as required.·       Meet or exceed individual and team performance targets.·       Keep up to date with all hotel policies and procedures   Requirements ·       Proven experience in a sales/customer service environment is essential.·       Must be fluent in written and spoken English·       Good knowledge of Irish Geography beneficial·       Experience working Microsoft Office is required and any experience with computer software is advantageous.·       Knowledge of the hotel industry is desirable. If this sounds like the perfect fit for you, we’d love to hear from you! Please forward your CV and cover letter to

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