Reservations Agent

Reservations AgentDo you enjoy working with people and have a friendly personality?We are looking for a full reservations agent to join the team here at the Inn.Training can be provided for the role.  General daily duties include:·        Answering all reservation enquires via telephone, on-line and third-party websites.·        Achieving the best possible room rate and ensuring that budgets are adhered to and sales targets are met.. Assisting with Revenue Management·        Handling all guest queries in a helpful and timely manner.·        Updating of the reservation system with all third-party websites, tours, and group bookings daily.·        Generating daily, weekly and monthly reports.·        Assisting in the reception when the need arises. Successful candidate will have:  . Experience in reservations desirable, but not essential as full training will be provided.·        Opera Cloud experience would be an advantage·        Must have excellent communication skills and be highly organised.·        Excellent computer skills and have efficient and systematic work procedures.Benefits:Free Leisure Centre and Pool MembershipPension Scheme after 6 monthsStaff meals providedSick Pay SchemeWellbeing Programme - (offering health and wellbeing activities throughout the year)EAP - Employee assistance programmeUniform dry cleaningDiscounts rates across the Inn at Dromoland and Dromoland EstateDevelopment & training programmesExtra holidays based on length of serviceFull training will be provided. Working schedule is from Monday to Sunday. Working shifts midweek: 9am - 5pm or 10am - 6pm or 11am-7pmWeekend Shifts 9am - 5pmDue to nature of our business, flexibility is required.

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