Reservations Agent

We are currently recruiting for a full time Reservations Agent to join our team at Dromoland Castle Hotel. As a Reservations Agent you will be the first point of contact for our guests, offering them information, answering their queries and assisting with bookings in a warm friendly and courteous manner. Working schedule is from Monday to Sunday and working shifts vary, however, due to the nature of our business, flexibility is required.Overview of the Role:  Answering all reservation enquires via telephone, on-line and third-party websites.Achieving the best possible room rate and ensuring that budgets are adhered to and sales targets are met.Handling all guest queries in a helpful and timely manner.Updating of the reservation system daily.Generating daily, weekly, and monthly reports.Working with Senior Management/Sales Team in maximising Revenue by practising strong yield management.Full training will be provided.  The Ideal Candidate: Have high literacy in computer skills, previous experience using Opera Cloud would be an advantage.Possess excellent communication skills and be highly organised.Must be a fluent English speaker.Must have a minimum of 2 years’ experience in customer service and or hotel industry.  Motivations:Excellent benefits package with the role including but not limited to:Free Leisure Centre Access after 6 monthsPension Scheme after 6 monthsSick Pay after 6 monthsWellness ProgrammeCompetitive Salary     Terms & Conditions apply

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