Reservations Agent

A fantastic opportunity has opened to join our Reservations Department, you will be an integral part of a dynamic, fun and guest focused team in one of Irelands leading 4* luxury hotels. You will be the first impression for many of our guests!Keys Role responsibilitiesYou will be responsible for dealing with all enquiries both phone, web & email in an efficient, friendly and professional manner.To proactively sell bedrooms at the best rate possible, ensuring that all opportunities to achieve secondary sales e.g. upgrades, dinner, spa etc are maximized.To answer the switchboard, directing calls appropriately, dealing with any queries that may ariseGo through all the bookings for the future dates ensuring all provisional bookings are chasedMake outbound calls to guests to ensure all details are correct, obtain further information regarding booking times and assist with any other queries they may have.To liaise with travel agents and tour operators on both individual & group bookings, including chasing up on rooming lists & payment.  The ideal candidate for the Reservations Agent position should:Enthusiastic, revenue driven with high attention to detailBe able to plan & organise daily / weekly / monthly dutiesGreat customer service skillsHave a good understanding of the reservations processHave the ability to maintain relationships with both internal and external customersBe efficient and have professional communication skillsProficient in MS office systems and other hotel software systems Experience with Guestline is an advantage but not essentialWhat Can We Offer You?We Offer Year Round EmploymentOpportunities for Professional Development & GrowthLunch, Tea & Coffee Available On DutyEmployee Recognition Scheme such as Employee of the Month & Feel Good FridaysEmployee Referral BonusRewards for Years of ServiceFlexible ScheduleWe look forward to hearing from you!

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