Reservations Agent

Reservations AgentEnsure all reservation queries are dealt with in a professional and friendly manner. A warm and charismatic person whom likes to chat to guests and encourage them to book is essential for this role as selling rooms is a key part of the role.  Duties within the role ·        To deal with all incoming reservations via phone , email and web In a professional and friendly manner and ensure all queries are responded to within agreed timelines. ·        To have a friendly telephone manner to deal with all incoming calls and to understand the importance of selling rooms and upselling upgrades and food and beverage at the hotel.We offer great team benefits including:Complimentary gym membershipFree tea/coffee while on duty from Shoda cafeDiscount in hotel and beauty salon treatmentsComplimentary daily meals and snacks in canteenStaff canteen, changing room, shower facilities,Internal/ External Training providedCompetitive salary based on experienceFlexibilityComplimentary Parking *T&Cs apply

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