Reservations Agent

The Gleneagle Group has fantastic vacancy for a Reservations Agent for our Central Reservations Department. You will be the first point of contact for guest’s, answering queries about bookings for the Gleneagle Hotel, Gleneagle RiverApartments and The Maritime Hotel processing tickets for Gleneagle INEC Arena and other venues. You will work as part of a small and friendly team taking reservation calls, 5 days per week over 7days, including weekends. Working hours start no earlier than 9am and finish no later than 8pm with weekends off rotated among the team.    Qualifications/ Skills Experience in a guest facing role in hospitality and/ or in business administration Previous work experience in the front office role or reception (preferable but not essential)Ability to use software packages, email and word applications Superb communication skills, attention to detail and a strong focus on customer serviceTask-driven individual and ability to multitaskAbility to work well as part of a teamDeal with reservations calls in a clear, effective and confident manner while relaying reservation  details in a friendly manner  Our offer to you:  Uniform provided Discounted freshly ground coffees, cappuccinos, lattes in our hotel shop Equal opportunity for training and career development with the Gleneagle Group       Paid internal and external training daysFree use of gym, 25m swimming pool, jacuzzi, steam room, sauna, squash courts, tennis courts, pitch & putt  Complimentary bus to and from town centre Free onsite car parking Free meals, tea & coffee on duty   Discounted leisure club membership for family members Special rates for family and friends in our hotels and self-catering properties Discounted dining rates for family for special occasions Paid online training prior to starting Employee referral bonus  Employee of the Month Annual Employee Gala Awards EventAnnual staff party and children’s partyStaff discount on gifts in our hotel shop 2-night stay for two people in a hotel of your choice after 12 months service Discounted tickets for specific INEC or hotel entertainment events Access to trained mental health first aidersAccess to the Quiet Room

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