Research Executive - Benelux Regions

RESEARCH ASSISTANTS - BENELUX REGIONS * Location - Flexible - Benelux Area * Learn about us first…. Code Institute is on a mission to become the highest performing FullStack boot camp in Europe. We have celebrated many important milestones since our launch in 2015. We are constantly working to address the ever-widening Digital Skills Gap, through accredited online EdTech. Currently, we employ over approx 50 people, with remote, full time and part time arrangements. Our headquarters are in Dublin, and we have a market presence in Ireland, UK, USA, the Netherlands, Singapore, Malaysia, and Sweden operating in the B2C, B2B & Enterprise channels. Our expansion continues in all areas of our business. Our graduates are being hired by tech partners all over the world, and with the help of our IAC ( Industry Advisory Council) our globally certified programs are influenced by the market needs according to some of the worlds most successful tech companies. Learn what you’ll be working to contribute... As we develop new market places, we have a team of information gatherers across various divisions. For each location we want to understand more about, we have a significant amount of projects to complete. These involve research and preparation before the execution of a market development plan. For you, the focus will be on the navigation of bureaucratic arrangements around areas involved in education, state programs, finance, funding, schemes and access. This is information gathering, recording and advising. This role will report directly to the Market Growth Directors, who will collectively then use this information to explore avenues and invest energy. On a daily / project basis this is what you can expect to be doing: Research market opportunities for launching and growing the your Market Make recommendations to senior management in how to develop this market Research and execute the application process for available state realted education/training programs.Discover student loan providers for CI to partner with.Research and navigate the council tender opportunities. Work directly with the Channel Director to research new partners and execute the plan thereafter. Work directly with the Marketing Director to put a market entry plan in place. Work with the Careers Director to localise some communications and engagements with German community. Skills and Qualifications University degree (must include Benelux language an if not a native speaker). Fluent English along with native/fluent Benelux languageExcellent communication - written, verbal and presentation skills.Ability to research and navigate the local and state council opportunities. Cultural knowledge of conducting business in the Benelux regions.Interest in gaining experience in the EdTech industry. Strong project management and research skills.Ability to compile and analyse data and actionable insights to drive decision making and leading. to an effective market entry plan. Ability to develop strong relationships and work worth Senior Executives.Energetic, ambitious and highly motivated to be part of a fast-growing and exciting business.This role will have very clear objectives, and supportive senior management team involved. It is possible that this is one of your first research roles following graduation, and we would encourage someone with the native understanding, language skills, communication and curiosity and - importantly - the ability to condense information to provide to multiple departments for accurate decision making. sounds like you? Please let us know! This role can be either in Ireland ( where our HQ is) or remote in your Benelux region. Assuming travel restrictions will be loosened you can expect some travel to be involved at times.

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