Research Engagement Officer

HEAnet are seeking to appoint a Research Engagement Officer to join its ‘Innovation and R&D’ team. Research Engagement is called out as a strategic theme in the HEAnet Strategy 2020-22 and has the aim of developing relationships with the Irish research community, leveraging the HEAnet service portfolio, leading on new initiatives, and fostering innovative collaborations. The creation of this new position also recognises the advent of an Open Science agenda at both national and at a pan-European level. The Irish Government is currently preparing a National Policy for Open Research recognising that the Irish and European research systems are transitioning to meet 21st Century challenges requiring research to be more transparent, collaborative, accessible and efficient. This National Policy will serve to better support collaborative research in the key areas of open access publications, FAIR research data management, infrastructure, federated identity systems, as well as addressing skills, competencies, and training. HEAnet currently represent Ireland on the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Governance Board, and are also an active member of GÉANT, a pan-European association that interconnects education and research resources across Europe and offers global reach to fellow networks around the world. This role will help to position HEAnet as a leader in the area of Open Science, engaging with sector and Government stakeholders, identify funding and service development opportunities, across the national and European research ecosystem. The role will also monitor and engage with GÉANT’s strategy in relation to EOSC and Open Science generally, potentially becoming involved in GÉANT responses to EOSC funded projects or contribution to same. An understanding of the national and European research system will enable this role to lead discussions and initiatives in the areas of Open Research and EOSC adoption. The successful candidate will have a proven track record within the research domain, ideally experienced at national and European level. This role will require occasional national and international travel. The role will report to the Innovation and R&D Manager. For a view of the current HEAnet services catalogue, please visit: Key Responsibility Areas: The successful candidate will undertake the following: Develop and manage a Research Engagement Plan aimed at developing relationships and fostering collaborations Advise and increase awareness of the HEAnet service portfolio from a researcher perspective Lead and manage engagements with researchers and research entities across the sector Develop expertise in the area of Open Science and be an advocate of same for HEAnet clients Support the Researchers and Library staff in the promotion and adoption of Open Science standards and best practices To represent HEAnet at appropriate national and European fora aimed at progressing the Open Science agenda Lead and participate in HEAnet-led research initiatives and projects with clients Advise the Library sector in the adoption of Open Science initiatives including FAIR data compliance and data stewardship Coordinate efforts with specialists from across HEAnet, service providers, application vendors and client institutions to ensure successful delivery of research projects Contribute to the execution of strategic goals in relation to the HEAnet ‘Research Engagement’ strategic pillar Any other duties within the general requirement of the role which may be required from time to time. Required Experience, Skills & Aptitudes: Essential: At least five (5) years’ post-qualification experience in a research domain Strong understanding of the research ecosystem at national and European level Exposure to funding applications at a national and, ideally, European level A proven ability of deciphering research material and bringing clarity to research outcomes A proven ability to lead and manage research projects A proven track record of excellent communication and interpersonal skills enabling successful collaboration with key stakeholders Sound judgment, problem solving and collaboration in selecting methods and techniques for obtaining solutions to problems Strong leadership and influencing skills Ability to fostering and build strong relationships Ability to digest information and share in a cohesive manner to all groups/audiences Trustworthy, open and transparent, with a high degree of personal integrity A high level of motivation and enthusiasm for the job Other Relevant Information: Desirable: Tangible exposure and involvement in Open Science developments General project management experience Experience within a publicly funded environment Good understanding of ICT technologies Qualifications: Essential: A degree or equivalent academic or professional 3rd level qualification, or equivalent relevant experience Contract Duration: It is anticipated that this contract will be offered on a fixed-term basis up until 31 December 2022 . Closing Date: We aim to fill this vacancy as quickly as possible and will close adverts as soon as we have found the right candidate. We would therefore advise interested applicants to submit an application as early as possible. Equal Opportunity: HEAnet is proud to be an equal opportunity employer.

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