Rent Coordinator

*Please do not submit your CV as a google doc. It cannot be submitted properly and will not be reviewed for your application.About Us:Tuath Housing is one of Ireland's largest Approved Housing Bodies with over 10,300 homes nationwide. Tuath’s aim is to provide long-term, safe, quality housing at best value whilst locally building mixed, sustainable communities. Our core business is managing homes in a sustainable way, allowing people and families to peacefully enjoy, live and settle within communities. Job Summary:The Rent Coordinator is responsible for managing tenants’ rent accounts, presenting rent payment policies and procedures at pre-tenancies, maximising rent collection and controlling arrears. Qualifications:Suitable candidates will have a Certificate/Diploma and excellent skills in Microsoft Office.Full clean Driving License. The suitable candidate willWork individually and as part of the credit control function to maximise rent collection and control arrears, by phone, letters, emails and on-site visits.Present Rent payment policies and procedures at pre-tenancies and RTB adjudications.Build and maintain customer relationships for all tenants in arrears and accompany Housing Officers to visit tenants in severe arrears to discuss payment plan/options.Monitor and respond to webchats, deal with enquiries and immediately advise Housing Officers of any issue which requires attentionReassess tenants rent using appropriate rent and policies and income details.Prepare month end/ad-hoc/ Year end reports on Aged Debtor (Tenant) Analysis.Assist with Confidential Income Statement (CIS) processes on an annual basis.Assisting with update and maintenance of the database on all tenant information as and when notified via correspondence.Maintain unclaimed report database and liaise with the bank to resolve any issues.Liaising with Local Authorities and Revenue for remits, and wish An Post regarding household budget payments, setups and terminations.Requirements:At least one years’ experience in a similar environment in housing/ residential property.Excellent administrative skills and ability to produce Pivot Tables, spreadsheets, presentations, and memos.Excellent communication, interpersonal and relationship-building skills.Ability to work effectively as part of a team and independently.Good organisational and time-management skills.Ability to handle sensitive and confidential information.Commitment to working in a customer-focused and solution-oriented manner.To participate on forums/working groups/committees as required.Carry out any other reasonable duties as may be required from time to time.Promote a culture which is supportive of excellent service delivery and meets Tuath Housing’s vision, mission, and values.

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