Renewables Project Manager

Glenevin Ltd has been developing and maintaining infrastructure across the UK since our formation in 2013. We specialise in Utilities (Power, Telecoms, etc), Civil Engineering, Traffic Management, and infrastructure. We have grown our business on a foundation of expertise, teamwork, and excellent customer service.Due to new partnerships, exciting opportunities have arisen for Renewable Project Manager for Glenevin in Scotland, SE England and NE England.As Project Manager you will be an essential member of our Renewables team and will aid with all aspects of Renewables delivery, across our solar, wind and other works. Glenevin is a new and growing entrant to this market, and this role will have the ability to influence our future approach and organisation, as well as active involvement in our business development.You must be a resident in the UK at the time of this advertisement and hold necessary paperwork to prove this.As Project Manager your responsibilities will include:·      Oversee/manage and support/mentor allocated supervisors.·      Work with customer and wider team to ensure project requirements are clearly understood and agreed, creating and delivering credible plans of work·      Liaise from supervisors to build managers (communicate and connect) In terms of updates from sites.·      Drive and co-ordinate assessment and resolution of any issues/problems that may arise, escalate ‘blockers’ to line manager.·      Defects (health and safety compliance)·      Client liaising (third parties – internal departments/back office support, council etc)·      Resourcing effectively·      Ensure supervisors are adhering to roles and responsibilities·      Coordinate work stack in line with delivery programme, ensuring delays are minimised by resolving operational issues to enable swift job closure and invoicing·      Supporting all commercial requirements for your assigned programmes, maximising efficiency in delivery and managing change and risk·      Supporting business development and showcasing Glenevin’s capabilities·      Overtime where required.·      Conforming with all company policies. Skills & Knowledge Requirements·      Relevant KPIs must understood and achieved.·      Extensive knowledge of Project Management (tools, techniques, practices)·      Basic knowledge of other functions such as Commercial & Finance·      Able to develop innovative solutions to complex issues in a wider Business context.What’s in it for you?·      Competitive Salary·      Company Pension·      30 days annual leave (inclusive of recognised public holidays) As an equal opportunities’ employer, Glenevin Ltd is committed to the equal treatment of all current and prospective employees and does not condone discrimination on the basis of age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity, race or ethnicity, religion or belief, gender identity, or marriage and civil partnership.We aspire to have a diverse and inclusive workplace and strongly encourage suitably qualified applicants from a wide range of backgrounds to apply and join Glenevin LtdHealth, Safety & Environment: To promote positive culture and continuous improvements in the business management system all employees are required to adhere to Health & Safety, Environmental policies and standard operating procedures to ensure that best practice is met by both them and by their colleagues. Quality: All employees are expected to work within the systems, processes and procedures outlined within the department and / or company handbooks or software platforms or training manuals.Information Security: All employees are expected to work in compliance with the company’s Information Security policy and procedures; and be vigilant against malware and cyber-attacks when conducting any transferring of company knowledge or business.   Conduct: All employees are required to conduct themselves in a professional manner in accordance with company values, policies and codes of conduct outlined in the company’s policies and employee handbook.Flexibility: A reasonable degree of flexibility is required from all employees to meet the needs of the role and responsibilities of the department and the wider business.

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