Remote UI/UX Engineer Cairo

This is a remote role, reporting to the Software Engineering Manager, the UI/UX Engineer will assist in developing and maintaining our next generation applications. With an extensive portfolio of products and software applications, we are constantly seeking out the best to work with the best.About UsVitalograph is the world’s leading manufacturers of medical respiratory diagnostic devices and software, used in the diagnosis of respiratory disorders, and advanced high-reliability equipment and software systems used in respiratory end-point clinical drug trials.The roleWorking closely with the Product Development team the UI Designer will be tasked with applying a UI style across diverse platforms and applications providing a consistent user interface. This position entails collaborating on project-based initiatives within strict timelines, requiring seamless coordination with multiple teams. The UI designer will be instrumental in crafting designs that elevate user experience across various interfaces. Working closely with our software development team, this role offers the opportunity to contribute to the visual identity of our products while meeting project requirements efficiently.The teamThe Product Development team consists of hardware, mechanical and software engineers and the UI/UX Engineer will assist the team in developing new features for our applications, driving the product roadmap forward.ResponsibilitiesThe responsibilities of UI/UX Engineer will include: -ProjectsImproving UI consistency across all products and platforms.Reducing complexity to enhance user experience and product usability.Establishing and maintaining a comprehensive UI design system.Collaborating closely with cross-functional teams to ensure design alignment with business objectives.Translating complex user requirements into intuitive and functional design solutions.PeopleOperating in the project team in a co-operative, respectful manner.Maintaining a positive and motivating outlook.ProcessAssisting in the planning, scheduling and delivery of software releases.Ensuring that all work and tasks carried out are consistent and compliant with our Quality Management System.The ideal candidateThe UI/UX Engineer will: -Have a 3rd level degree, or equivalent, in a UX/UI Design, Human-Computer Interaction, or a related field.Have a strong team ethic.Have a minimum of 4 year's proven experience as a UX/UI Designer, demonstrated by a strong portfolio.Have experience of design systems, ability to create components, patterns and style guides would be an advantage.Be up to date with the latest UI trends, techniques, and technologies.Be experienced, fully competent in their own area.Complete their own role independently or with minimal supervision.Have the ability to perform the duties specified effectively and efficiently.Have the ability to complete all aspects of a given task timely, and to a high standard.Have the ability to communicate effectively with those he/she works with both in and ex-house.Have the ability to work with others in a spirit of good will and cooperation.Have a strong sense of urgency and ownership.The following skills would be advantageous:Experience with Microsoft Visual Studio .NET and DevOps.JSON, JavaScript, HTML and CSS codeUI / UX design experience would be good. Especially around interpreting guidelines into a concrete application style guide that can be consumed by developers.Design and styling experience in WPF. If the candidate does not have WPF experience, experience in Xamarin Form would also be good.Experience in using DevExpress 

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