Remote Full Stack Web Development Mentor (Python)

Are you a Full Stack Developer? Do you have Python experience and love problem solving? Code Institute is looking for talented developers who can work remotely, meaning you work flexibly and choose the hours / days that suit you. There's a growing skills shortage worldwide and filling this talent pipeline underpins our education ethos. That's where Code Institute's Mentored Online Full-Stack Development Program comes in.Our online students are dedicated, passionate and determined to solve problems to graduate as a skilled junior developer. You can get paid to help. Code Institute mentor roles are part-time, remote and you'll be helping usher in the next generation of coding superstars — apply now!Provide guidance to our rapidly growing online student community.Mentor multiple students on a scheduled basis.Commit to certain hours and maintain a high standard of quality work.Commit to being available 4+ hours weekly and we'd love to hear from you.The mentoring sessions will focus on helping the student's with their projects, but students would also benefit from any advice you can give them, ranging from how best to learn programming concepts to how to land their first job.The Ideal CandidateIndustry experience as a developer for 4+ years (including freelancing, if relevant).Knowledge of Python (and Django in particular), HTML & CSS, and JavaScript.Fluent in both verbal and written technical English.Must love programming and training others. It's vital for our students growth that our mentors are enthusiastic and approachable at all times.Please note this is a remote contract position.

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