Social Care worker - Aftercare

Do you want to join one of Ireland's leading social care providers?We are currently recruiting for an aftercare Relief Social Care Worker. Don't miss out get your CV in today!Some key requirements for the roleKnowledge of rights and entitlements aftercare leavers.Understanding of mental health behavioural patterns and presentations.A good understanding of addictions and the physical, mental and emotional side effects.De-escalation and managing challenging behavioursCrisis management and preventionLone working experience and managing shifts in a low threshold residential setting Experience of working with the complex and compound traumas of children in care and children leaving care. E.g., poly substance misuse, dual diagnosis, maladaptive behaviours etc.On call experienceDesirable QualificationsLevel 7 Degree in any of the following; Social Care, Applied Social Studies, Social Science, Youth and community Work, Psychology.

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