Relief Security Officer - Newcastle

To book an interview for this position call 01228 547662 and ask for recruitment £11.64 per hourRelief Contract We are seeking to recruit a relief Security Officer in the Newcastle area, with great communication skills and self-motivation. Working to provide security support to NHS sites, the ideal candidate will have good customer service skills. Role Description: Responsibilities for this position include, but are not limited to -Providing an onsite professional security presenceProviding a deterrent to criminal activity, theft and anti-social behaviourProvide protection for customers, property and staffInternal and external site patrolsCarry out other duties as agreed by clients Applicants must be:Smart and presentablePolite and approachableProfessional and able to make decisions on their own accordVigilant for anything out of the ordinaryPunctual & reliableBe flexible for work shiftsBe able to provide 5 year checkable history to complete BS7858 vetting and screening Benefits of the Role:Full training will be provided28 days holiday (pro rata for part time hours)Company contributory pension scheme availableFull uniform provided Regular and reliable shift patterns, with guaranteed hours provided in advance and optional overtime available if desired.

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